Sigurd Haakonsson

Sigurd Håkonsson (c. 895–962) (Old Norse: Sigurðr Hákonarson) was a Norwegian nobleman and Jarl of Lade in Trøndelag.

Sigurd Håkonsson was the son of Håkon Grjotgardsson, the first Jarl of Lade. In 900, Håkon came into conflict with Atle Mjove over Sogn and fought a battle at Fjaler (Old Norse: Fjalir), in which Håkon was killed. Upon reaching maturity, Sigurd inherited his father's position. Sigurd Håkonsson was married to Bergljot Toresdatter, daughter of Tore Teiande Ragnvaldsson (Thorir Rögnvaldarson) and Ålov Årbot Haraldsdatter. In 892, Tore Ragnvaldsson became Jarl of Møre after the death of his father, Ragnvald Eysteinsson.

During the reign of King Haakon I of Norway, Sigurd had an influential position as the king's friend and adviser. He sought in particular to mediate between the king and the people during the king's attempt to introduce Christianity. After the death Haakon at Fitjar in 961, Harald Greycloak, the son of Eirik Bloodaxe and his brothers became kings of Norway.

In autumn 962, Sigurd Håkonsson and his party were burnt to death by Harald Greycloak, while staying the night at a party at Aglo, in modern day Skatval in the municipality of Stjørdal. Sigurd was killed as part of Harald's effort to reunite all of Norway under his rule. In 970, his killing was avenged by Sigurd's son, Håkon Sigurdsson, who had become an ally of Harold Bluetooth.

Sigurd had Kormákr Ögmundarson as a court poet. Fragments of Kormákr's lay on Sigurd Håkonsson, Sigurðardrápa, are preserved in Skáldskaparmál and in Heimskringla.


The primary records are from the Heimskringla by Snorri Sturlasson.